**************** 自带的httpserver **************** gunicorn自带了一个python wsgi http server,是为了默认的syncworker而设计的。 .. code-block:: python class SyncWorker(base.Worker): def run(self): # self.socket appears to lose its blocking status after # we fork in the arbiter. Reset it here. self.socket.setblocking(0) while self.alive: self.notify() # Accept a connection. If we get an error telling us # that no connection is waiting we fall down to the # select which is where we'll wait for a bit for new # workers to come give us some love. try: client, addr = self.socket.accept() client.setblocking(1) util.close_on_exec(client) self.handle(client, addr) # Keep processing clients until no one is waiting. This # prevents the need to select() for every client that we # process. continue except socket.error, e: if e[0] not in (errno.EAGAIN, errno.ECONNABORTED): raise 终于在这里看到了久违的self.socket.accept(),接收一个访问连接,由self.handle(client, addr)来处理客户端来的请求命令。 .. code-block:: python class SyncWorker(base.Worker): #...... def handle(self, client, addr): try: parser = http.RequestParser(client) req = parser.next() self.handle_request(req, client, addr) except StopIteration, e: self.log.debug("Closing connection. %s", e) except socket.error, e: if e[0] != errno.EPIPE: self.log.exception("Error processing request.") else: self.log.debug("Ignoring EPIPE") except Exception, e: self.handle_error(client, e) finally: util.close(client) 从http.RequestParser(client)进入http模块中,在self.handle_request(req, client, addr)中调用wsgi模块 .. code-block:: python class SyncWorker(base.Worker): #...... def handle_request(self, req, client, addr): environ = {} try: self.cfg.pre_request(self, req) request_start = datetime.now() resp, environ = wsgi.create(req, client, addr, self.address, self.cfg) # Force the connection closed until someone shows # a buffering proxy that supports Keep-Alive to # the backend. resp.force_close() self.nr += 1 if self.nr >= self.max_requests: self.log.info("Autorestarting worker after current request.") self.alive = False respiter = self.wsgi(environ, resp.start_response) try: if isinstance(respiter, environ['wsgi.file_wrapper']): resp.write_file(respiter) else: for item in respiter: resp.write(item) resp.close() request_time = datetime.now() - request_start self.log.access(resp, environ, request_time) finally: if hasattr(respiter, "close"): respiter.close() except socket.error: raise except Exception, e: # Only send back traceback in HTTP in debug mode. self.handle_error(client, e) return finally: try: self.cfg.post_request(self, req, environ) except: pass 其中涉及到wsgi模块的有:: resp, environ = wsgi.create(req, client, addr, self.address, self.cfg) 获得最终的响应结果:: respiter = self.wsgi(environ, resp.start_response) 这里的self.wsgi的踪迹在哪里呢? 1. 由base.Worker中的方法init_process()中调用 .. code-block:: python self.init_signals() self.wsgi = self.app.wsgi() # Enter main run loop self.booted = True self.run() 2. 在app,也就是wsgiapp或djangoapp中WSGIApplication -> Application中,有 .. code-block:: python def wsgi(self): if self.callable is None: self.callable = self.load() return self.callable 3. 直接由self.load()执行,回转到WSGIApplication中的load() .. code-block:: python def load(self): return util.import_app(self.app_uri) 4. 调用util模块中的import_app(self.app_uri) .. code-block:: python def import_app(module): parts = module.split(":", 1) if len(parts) == 1: module, obj = module, "application" else: module, obj = parts[0], parts[1] try: __import__(module) except ImportError: if module.endswith(".py") and os.path.exists(module): raise ImportError("Failed to find application, did " "you mean '%s:%s'?" % (module.rsplit(".",1)[0], obj)) else: raise mod = sys.modules[module] app = eval(obj, mod.__dict__) if app is None: raise ImportError("Failed to find application object: %r" % obj) if not callable(app): raise TypeError("Application object must be callable.") return app 这才是最终wsgi应用程序的发起。还记得我们在快速入门中编写的简单wsgi程序么? 那么我们就在这里加上一句print,看看是不是: .. code-block:: python print u'waiting for you ...(%s, %s)' % (module, obj) 再执行命令:: $ gunicorn --workers=2 myapp:app 结果如下:: (mypy)hzg@xubuntu:~/sample$ gunicorn --workers=2 myapp:app 2012-02-16 08:45:09 [2007] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 0.13.4 2012-02-16 08:45:09 [2007] [INFO] Listening at: (2007) 2012-02-16 08:45:09 [2007] [INFO] Using worker: sync 2012-02-16 08:45:09 [2010] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 2010 waiting for you ...(myapp, app) 2012-02-16 08:45:09 [2011] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 2011 waiting for you ...(myapp, app)